Reproduction in organism
Crow 15 years
Parrot 140 years
Mango 200
Peepal tree 2500 years
Baniyan tree 300 to 500 years
Asexual reproduction-
Asexual reproduction is common among single celled organism, a sexual reproduction is absent in higher vertebrates, asexual reproduction is also called vegetative propagation.
A sexual reproduction takes place by fission , regeneration, fragmentation, budding, vegetative propagation etc.
- binary fission equal to amoeba paramecium
- regeneration equal to funaria,hydra and planaria
-fragmentation in fungi
- budding equal to hydra and East
- sporulation equal to amoeba plasmodium zoospore (chlamydomonas), conidia ( penicillium)
Vegetative propagation.
Runers, rhizome,Tuber, offset, bulb
Rhizoma of Ginger
Bubil of agave
Leaf bud of bryophyllum
Offset of water hyacinth and pistia
Sucker of Chrysanthemum and mints
Runner of cynodon (doob grass)
Bulb of onion and garlic
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